
Excavation team

Excavation at the site is directed by Dr Magdolna Vicze (Hungarian National Museum), Professor Marie Louise Stig Sørensen (University of Cambridge), and Professor Joanna Sofaer (University of Southampton). Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Katharina Rebay-Salisbury, head of the University of Vienna team, is also our project partner.

Each year the project welcomes Hungarian British and Austrian students from Universities in Budapest, Pécs, Southampton, Cambridge and Vienna who are keen to gain experience of excavating at one of the richest and most important Bronze Age sites in Central Europe. The site also attracts students of other nationalities from Universities around Europe and beyond. All students work together in a single trench, resulting in a stimulating international environment.

Specialists currently (and previously) working on material from the site include:

kovacsgabriellaDr Gabriella Kovács
(Archaeological thin section soil micromorphologist)
Dr Ákos Pető (Phytolith expert)
alicechoykeDr Alice Choyke
(Archaeozoologist – Bone tool specialist)
Dr László Bartosiewitz
(Archaeozoologist – Archaeoichthyologist)
Dr Zsuzsanna Tóth (Archaeozoologist – Bone tool specialist)
Dr Sophie Bergerbrant (Archaeologist, Textile expert)
Éva Halbrucker
(Archaeologist, Stone tool expert)
kovacszsDr Zsófia Kovács
(Archaeozoologist – specialist in microfaunal analyses)
galerikaDr Erika Gál
(Archaeozoologist – Archaeo-ornithologist)

Tamás Tvarosek      (On-site digital documentation)sabinesten

Dr Sabine Sten (Professor in Osteoarchaeology)

mariavretemarkDr Maria Vretemark